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  Title Copies
Sri Lankeya Katholika Dewmaduru Bithu Sithuwam Kalawa 
Year: 2010 
Arambakathumage Lanka Gamana 
Year: 2008 
Baar Statement 
Kurunagala Diyikisiye Wansha Kathawa 
Year: 1990 
Understanding and Distinguishing the New Birth and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit 
Year: 1999 
Edition: vol 2, No.1 
Year: 2014 
Sackramenthuwen Thora u Shanthuwarayan 
Year: 2003 
Diwasiwaru Ha Sadaranathwaya 
Year: 2015 
Uda Bumi Thuna 
Year: 2004 
Respect For Parents 
Year: 1991